The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71506   Message #2342389
Posted By: GUEST,Mike M B
16-May-08 - 04:57 PM
Thread Name: Lyr/Tune Req: Felix Kept On Walking (Bryant/David)
Subject: RE: Lyr & Tune: Felix kept on walking
This is the way my Mother remembers some of it from the twenties :

Felix kept on walking, kept on walking still.
With his hands behind him, you would always find him.
Blow him up with dynamite, but him you couldn't kill.
Miles up into the air he flew,
He just shouted "Toodle-oo!"
Landed down in Timbuctoo, but he kept on walking still.

Felix had a baby, had a baby boy,
He was like his Daddy, so they called him Paddy,
Paddy died,
Felix cried,
The funeral was at half past five,
But he kept on walking still.