The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110733   Message #2342819
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
17-May-08 - 09:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: De-cluttering - part two
Subject: RE: BS: De-cluttering - part two
A-Round-Tuit, a popular business name for independent repair guys here in the U.S.

I found with my son's room that I simply had to wade in when he wasn't home and start by evicting the dirty laundry on the floor and then use a large plastic trash bag for the true trash. Do that when she isn't home. It also helped that I rearranged his furniture, and the new look was pleasing so he wasn't upset. I let him take a look through all of the stuff I was evicting, so it wasn't like he had no choice, but he had to have a place to put what he kept (he didn't choose to keep any of the stuff I got rid of, telling me that it was just on the floor and furniture from habit, not from use or need.)

Off to walk dogs then head to the annual shot clinic, followed by a busy day of decluttering the world. (I'm taking my pickup over to help a friend who has a small car but a large mattress to get rid of.)

Another good thing about this decluttering is finding things you do truly want that you couldn't find. Last night I came across a couple of binders filled with pages of photos I needed last summer after an old friend (only 50) died of a sudden, massive heart attack. I should have had these available to scan and share with our mutual friends at that time.