The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95096   Message #2343101
Posted By: Bill D
17-May-08 - 05:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: UFOs in the news
Subject: RE: BS: UFOs in the news
If they are able to be seen and 'experienced' (that is, ground level "close encounters") by occasional individuals or small groups, my next question runs along the lines of "why do 'clear & unmistakable' encounters never happen to LARGE groups? Like, at Hollywood & Vine, or the White House lawn?

Here's my problem....with many thousands, over decades & centuries, of reports , drawings, fuzzy photos, claims of 'wreckage' or bodies and just plain cryptic occurrences, we have not one clear close-up photo, piece of wreckage, dead body or even "close encounter" by LARGE groups of observers.

While admitting that it is 'possible' that aliens are so clever they allow us to see only what they wish, and that 'the authorities' are hiding the truth, and that there are laws of physics we just haven't tumbled to yet, it still remains that most reports can have causes which DO have known antecedents. (delusions, reflections, fraud, mistaken identity, 'real' stuff like secret test aircraft ....the whole list.)

   I know there are people who have had personally intense experiences, and that other people are actively engaged in trying to find that elusive "smoking gun"...and I am willing to keep a window in my mind open, just in case. Until then, I remain a skeptic...which simply means 'not convinced'. I am calling NO ONE a liar, or denying the possibility of aliens....I just see too many other ways to explain some/most of it.

Maybe the reason I do remain a skeptic is that I hope so strongly it IS true! I hate the very IDEA of 'belief' that never pans out.