The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111326 Message #2343385
Posted By: katlaughing
18-May-08 - 01:12 AM
Thread Name: John Runge - need biographical information
Subject: RE: John Runge - need biographical information
I did s super search on his name, here, and there are a few references to him, mostly about his book of songs, but I did find this. You'll have to ask Don, but I think the last bit (I've put in italics) refers to Runge:
Subject: RE: Richard Dyer-Bennett info. nice. From: Don Firth - PM Date: 04 May 01 - 03:37 PM
Yes, Rick, I have a record of John Runge, quite probably the same one you had: English Folk Songs on Riverside. I got it sometime in the late Fifties. My wife and I move awhile back, and our vinyl record turntable is under a pile of debris waiting to be exhumed. As I recall, he was pretty good, but -- in my opinion, at least -- he was not quite as clean, precise, and -- well -- interesting as Richard Dyer-Bennett, if that makes any kind of sense. Born in England, studied music there and in Florence, Italy; sang some on the BBC, then moved to the U.S. -- New Hampshire. Did concerts and such and taught singing, but his day-job was schoolmaster-physicist.
I am sure Don and Curmudgeon as well as others will be able to help out a bit more. Welcome to the Mudcat!