The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109486   Message #2343482
Posted By: GUEST,caitlĂ­n
18-May-08 - 07:41 AM
Thread Name: Battle of Clontarf-round two/Comhaltas Interruptus
Subject: RE: Battle of Clontarf-round two/Comhaltas Interru
Taking advantage of an organisation dedicated to traditional music, to use it as a publicity outlet to tout for votes is beyond despicable. Especially one which accepts (relies on?) so much volunteer work, done in good faith, from its membership base.   

Murphy's been in power there for how long - 40 years? Since 1967? Whatever the exact figure is, it's measurable in decades. It's not good enough just to say that he was fairly elected. Fairly elected, how exactly? By whom? The public should be allowed complete freedom to examine exactly how these voting processes are carried out. Three or four decades is a long, long time for one person to be at the helm. Do the grassroots, dues-paying members get a say in this?

Toner Quinn's editorial in the current Journal of Music in Ireland which Frank has already posted makes interesting reading, especially the bit that says, "In its fifty-seven-year history, few can recall a position in the organisation ever being advertised; statistics emanating from Comhaltas regarding its number of branches and classes, and its attendances, never seem to tally with the facts; the names of the members of its Ardchomhairle (Central Executive Committee) are extremely difficult to obtain."

Link here:

The people who have the power are always in a perfect position to use that power to keep that power. Especially with all that free advertising space to use for electioneering and furthering of a personal career unrelated to music.