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Thread #110914   Message #2344214
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
19-May-08 - 05:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK local elections: here comes poverty
Subject: RE: BS: UK local elections: here comes poverty
""Why then, when sections of society rise in protest, are they...the conservatives, the ones who scream loudest to bring in the army!

Capitalism and Communism cynically manipulate consumers in all societies.
At this moment they are doing their best to convince us that we should carry on the status quo regardless of the damage we are doing to our environment.""

Have the army started wearing blue uniforms and pointy hats while I wasn't looking??

As far as I can recall (and I'm sure I'll be told LOUD and LONG if I'm wrong), the army has been called in twice in mainland UK in the last century.

1. To root out a nest of terrorists in Sidney Street, London, back when Winston Churchill was Home Secretary.

2. The Iranian embassy seige when the SAS went in to save hostages.

They are obviously wildy eager, and ready to start shootng people at the drop of a hat.

As to manipulation, is there some far off corner of the nation where you are being made to consume at gunpoint??

If not, then they can only manipulate you if YOU let them. It's a dark and scary world you inhabit, where your will and intellect is being subverted by unseen forces.

I guess I must be very lucky. I buy only what I want, and, if I feel that doing this will harm others or the planet, then I buy only what I NEED.

I hate this bloody government, but they CANNOT be accused of defending the status quo. Credit where it's due, they are working harder than most on dealing with climate change (now I'll have to go and wash my mouth out, after praising New Labour), and the Tories are supporting it, in fact many of the initiatives have been pinched from the Tories.

David Cameron has said on TV that he doesn't mind Brown using his (Cameron's) ideas, as it doesn't matter who thought of them first, as long as they are acted upon. I have never heard a politician say anything like that before. (Interview on "SUNDAY" hosted by Andrew Marr....BBC1).

Don T.

Don T.