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Thread #111301   Message #2344318
Posted By: pdq
19-May-08 - 09:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Palestinian 'facts'
Subject: RE: BS: Palestinian 'facts'
It is very dificult to conduct a sane discussion with people who elevate the palestinian Arabs to a separate ethnic group. They are just plain Arabs. Most practice the same Suni Moslem religion and they speak Arabic.

I posted an article about the 'Philistines' whose name eventually became 'Palestinians' and gave that name to the Holy Lands. I was going to follow up that post with more information but things got off track a bit.

It appears that the ethnic Philistines (aka Palestinians) left with the Jews and followed Mose. The current unhappy folks who spend all their energy trying to destroy Israel go back no father than the period of Islamic conquests around 700 AD.

Even so, the area was almost empty by the end of the Turkish occupation from 1517 to 1917. Since then both Jews and Moslem Arabs have immigrated in large numbers, but many Arabs came only to share the wealth that the Jews brought.

Since WWII, many Arab countries have sent their most worthless people, the bottom of Arab society, to the area around Israel for the specific purpose of disrupting the Jewish state.They have been told that when Israel falls, the property and wealth the Jews enjoy will be theirs. These people are so radicalized after years of daily propaganda, where the Jews are held responsible for nearly all the Arab's problems, that thse people are no longer welcome in any Arab country because they most are no longer capable of productive work. They are only trained to protest and to fight Israel.

"The land was under Turkish control from 1517 to 1917 (ten times forty years), and Turkey destroyed this land thoroughly. The rulers enacted ridiculous laws; for example, one which required taxes to be paid for live trees. The people cut down the trees so they wouldn't have to pay taxes! The country therefore ended up in a very wretched condition, empty of trees and covered with rocks where once great forests had stood. Many authors, including Mark Twain, described the land as being devoid of any living creatures other than birds of prey and foxes.

But what of the people living in Israel? In 1864 about half the people of Jerusalem were Jews; about a third were Moslems. Hebron, Jerusalem, Tiberias all had semi-autonomous Jewish areas. When the Jews began returning to Israel in the mid-to-late 19th century, there were so few people living there, they could settle in most of the Holy Land without displacing anyone.

In 1920 the League of Nations designated British-occupied Palestine as a homeland for the Jewish people. Palestine then included all of what is now Israel, Jordan, and the West Bank. The land was no more than set aside for the Jews than the Arab nations revolted against the decision forcing Britain to designate the area that is now Jordan for the Arabs and install an Arab monarchy. Britain was politically protecting its oil sources but Israelis thereby lost over fifty percent of their land.

Jewish settlements created jobs to which neighboring Arabs were drawn. As Jewish settlements grew, Arab settlements grew up around them. The rise of Hitler caused more Jewish people to return to the land. But Islamic opposition and terrorism against the British and in favor of Hitler Germany persuaded England to reduce the number of Jewish people allowed to return at the time they most needed the land to escape the Nazi extermination camps. Britain was again worried about her Arab oil supply...".