The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111301   Message #2344452
Posted By: Emma B
19-May-08 - 12:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Palestinian 'facts'
Subject: RE: BS: Palestinian 'facts' journies through the Occupied Territories and says .....
'we must choose: Risking one's reputation or not speaking and risking one's soul?'

'This past year I have had to face the underbelly of my love of Zion. Like so many American Jews, I had been raised with the unquestioned narrative about Israel's righteousness, its humane practices, and the moral high ground upon which its policies are based. The painful deconstruction of these beliefs began with a journey through the Occupied Territories, where I encountered the shocking effects of my people's fear.

I saw a land sliced by concrete and barbed wire, a snaking wall 450 miles long. Yes, there has been good reason for fear—genuine security threats that have come through the gates and checkpoints. Nevertheless, I found myself questioning the holding back of women in labor, children in need of emergency blood transfusions. I heard stories, not only from Arabs, but from Israeli soldiers who struggled to "carry out orders" while innocent women and children died before their eyes.'

In the shadow of Zion
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