The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110733   Message #2344525
Posted By: Bat Goddess
19-May-08 - 03:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: De-cluttering - part two
Subject: RE: BS: De-cluttering - part two
Well, I've been attacking it, even if I haven't been posting to this thread til now. I refer to it as "beating the interior into submission" -- and, while I've been de-accessioning things left and right, I REALLY wish it would actually start to SHOW one of these days.

Last week took boxes of books to the Nottingham Library sale -- was away the day of the sale, but bought some of the leftovers at half price the other day. But I won -- I took home fewer than I had donated.

Last week, too, I took several bags of fabric I'll never use (I don't actually sew -- and I've already Freecycled the two sewing machines I never used (because I had no room for them -- only hung on to them for 15 years or so...) to a friend who can use them. And this weekend I culled my loose recipe files and now have two binders and a large folder for her later this week -- AND she'll take the Better Homes and Gardens and Food & Wine magazines.

Another friend will get the Cottage Livings and Coastal Livings later this week when we have lunch. Instead of burdening her with rest of the shelter magazines (because she'll never get rid of them -- I've already given her the Fine Gardenings, Herb Quarterlys, British Homes & Gardens, etc.), I'll drop off the last couple months worth to the ER at Wentworth-Douglass Hospital. I was there for almost a day with Tom (Express Care) a couple weeks ago, and after I finished my book (which I had only just started), I was left with very little insteresting stuff to read there. I intend to make sure no one else is, like me, reduced to doing my arm exercises to keep from fainting from boredom.

I've got a stack of New Yorkers to go through, but none from the '90s. I give a friend Vanity Fairs; she gives me New Yorkers. In the cubic footage wars, she wins. And she recently decided she no longer wanted the shelter magazines I was heaping on her. (So the other friend above started getting them.)

This morning Freecycled a lamp needing the switch repaired -- I don't know if it's been picked up yet. And have a taker on the three yoga books and sheaf of articles on exercises for stress reduction.

Oh, and today I dropped off a small bag of clothes at Goodwill -- smaller than it was because I gave a shirt to a friend on Friday night and another shirt to another friend at the shanty sing Saturday.

Next thing is going through my "gift suitcase" and getting rid of all the "it was a good idea at the time" potential gifts that have proved unsuitable plus a couple other things that I won't wait til a significant gift giving occasion to pass on.

And it's time for Curmudgeon to start selling on eBay all the antiquish stuff that's been piling up.

I'm researching selling on Craig's List, too -- I think it's time to sell my first born, I mean, the vulcanizer and rubberstamp making tackle including all The Rubbersmith matrices and plates. That biz has been on the extreme back burner since 1990.

Gotta call the guy who buys LPs. (blues and whatever else he might want)...and the guy who buys magazines (he wants the Horticultures and the early years of Wired).

Our financial situation is a bit precarious right now so it's time to start selling what's left to sell and is worthwhile selling.

It's never ending!

Hey, SRS! I thought I was the only one who used the little numbered squares puzzle analogy -- our problem is we've never had the empty square!!!
