The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110733   Message #2345415
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
20-May-08 - 03:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: De-cluttering - part two
Subject: RE: BS: De-cluttering - part two
I've been busy trying to clear my desk of work-related stuff, but today I finished something from the weekend. I rediscovered a treasure, a box with my old college botany herbarium. I emptied out the papers of plants long since forgotten and cleaned it up. Collecting and identification and mounting of plants is a hobby I used to enjoy that perhaps I will share with the kids. We can collect blooming wildflowers in the woods across the street.

I did de-clutter the oddball stuff I found in the box underneath the herbarium--old check registers to shred, an ashtray from a Reno casino (I never smoked, so it probably isn't mine), etc.

I have a rocking chair that belonged to my great grandmother (I have a photo of her sitting in it). It is beautiful and comfortable, but it was coming unglued when I moved it to Texas 25 years ago. My ex took it apart. He did that to a number of pieces of furniture, but only completed one of these projects of his (had my kitchen chairs dipped and refinished). I need to sand the dowels and reglue it and put it back into service. It's in the garage and is a keepsake I really would like to use. Aslett is clear that not everything is junk, and by getting rid of the clutter you can rediscover those treasures. It is too bad this has been set aside for so long.