The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111199   Message #2345600
Posted By: Nickhere
20-May-08 - 06:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama on Zionism, Jews
Subject: RE: BS: Obama on Zionism, Jews
Good point McGrath. One life lost is one too many, especially if it's someone close to you. Wasn't it Stalin who said 'the death of one man is a tragedy, of millions is s statistic'?
And I wonder if anyone who whittles down the number of palestinian refugees could be called a 'Nakba-denier'? (Not that I'm saying millions were forced into exile...)

It is my impression that Israel might be more favourable to a two-state solution given that, as has been noted above on this thread, a single state would leave Jewish Israelis numerically in the minority.

Of course there is a whole other possible debate here on whether any country that boasts western democratic values can set itself up as a mono-ethnic theocracy. Could Ireland, for example, decide that as we had suffered centuries of colonisation (we have the distinction of having been colonised long before even the Carribean and America), apartheid and progroms (the Penal times), genocide by default (1 million dead 1845-9, 1 million forced into exile) and so on (the whole world is wearily familiar with our woes... ;-)) ) ... would it be acceptable for us for our 'secured ongoing existence' to set up a Catholic Ireland where we pressurised all non-Irish-catholics to leave by making things as uncomfortable as possible for them, treating them as second class citizens, colonising Scotland and driving the Scots out, simply helping ourselves to whatever we liked there and building where we liked, on Old McDonald's farm while he watched helplessly from the sidelines, held back from doing anything by our well-armed soldiers... etc.,

I wonder how long we'd get away with it.

I don't think any two-state solution will either be acceptable or work if Israel refuses to demolish its illegal West Bank settlements and withdraw to its 1967 borders. I can't see it doing that in a hurry. It pulled its settlements out of Gaza simply to concentrate them in the West Bank, now crisscrossed by roads on which only Israeli Jews may drive without a permit. Palestinians have different colour licence plates etc., all sounds eerily familiar.

Since Israel seems determined to expand to Jordan's borders at least, perhaps the one-state solution isn't such a bad idea. Of course it would also need to cease being a discriminatory state (verging on apartheid).

Sigh. We'll just have to wait and see, but I reckon it has a better chance of happening under Obama than with Bush.