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Thread #109055   Message #2346059
Posted By: Amos
21-May-08 - 10:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views on McCain
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views on McCain
On Nader, Barr and McCain:

"In 2000, most Democrats found Mr. Nader to be amusing. In 2004, he was aggravating. When he announced earlier this year that he was thinking about another campaign, he was almost assaulted.

But when former Congressman Bob Barr declared recently that he planned to run for president as the Libertarian Party nominee this year, he heard barely a peep from either the Republican leadership or grassroots. Mr. Barr's candidacy would hijack votes away from Mr. McCain just like Mr. Nader did to Mr. Gore eight years ago. But the howls of outrage from the left that greeted Mr. Nader's announcement were not mirrored by conservative anger toward Mr. Barr. The Republican base did not rush to his candidacy either. Rather, most G.O.P. regulars just shrugged.

Shrugging is rarely the indicator of a motivated political party. And Republicans seem particularly unenthused. Worse, 12 years of a G.O.P. congressional majority have added to the complacency, and two years under Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid don't seem to have been enough to rouse the party faithful.
John McCain has no shortage of challenges in this uphill race. He is taking on the war debate full force, and is working hard to convince voters that his path toward eventual peace is less risky than Barack Obama's.

While he carries the burden of a recession that most voters attach to the current administration, Mr. McCain argues strenuously that tax increases during tough economic times is unwise. He turns questions about his age into answers about experience and preparation. Uphill fights all, but none more challenging than the broader task of reinvigorating a dispirited Republican Party."