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Thread #95096   Message #2346171
Posted By: Little Hawk
21-May-08 - 12:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: UFOs in the news
Subject: RE: BS: UFOs in the news
Bill, a number of those former military personnel HAVE had regrets and HAVE done some confessing about assisting in coverups of UFO evidence, and HAVE let slip what they did...and it's on the record. Somehow it has escaped your notice! ;-)

My guess is that you never bothered to look for it.

Did you know that one of Canada's former Ministers of Defence, Paul Hellyer, is one of the most notable such people, and that he has held public talks about it at places like the University of Toronto, stating openly that the government knew about alien vehicles before, during, and after his term in the Ministry, and that they ARE covering it up? Paul Hellyer is a very smart and well-spoken man. He's not your "tinfoil hat" type of guy at all. He's eminently believable and well-qualified to have an opinion.

Anyway, it makes no real difference, because as usual it gets little or no attention from the mainstream media (a 30 second clip once on Canada's national news) or the official government authorities...almost no one hears about it except those who are already really deeply interested in the subject of uncovering the UFO information, and the coverup continues...unbroken and undisturbed. It was as if Paul Hellyer had never said a word about it.

I have told you again and again that OF COURSE it is not possible to shut up EVERYBODY....but who cares? If a few people talk, but 99% of the public never gets to hear them and the mainstream media just ignores them....then how is the coverup threatened?

You don't need to fool everyone in a mass media society to maintain a coverup, you just need to fool the great majority of them at any given time, and keep their mind on other the latest Hollywood movie, Paris Hilton, the latest shocking crime, the war in Iraq, the American election...whatever.

Just ignore what you want covered up, and it remains covered up. Just ignore it in the mass media. If you need to now and then, make fun of it so no one takes it seriously. Dead simple.