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Thread #109055   Message #2346251
Posted By: beardedbruce
21-May-08 - 02:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views on McCain
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views on McCain
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High-court fears drive conservatives to rally around McCain, overlook flaws
By Ralph Z. Hallow
May 21, 2008
Prominent conservatives and activists are indicating they will put aside their differences with presumptive Republican presidential nominee Sen. John McCain and rally their supporters to his side because of one issue: federal judgeships.

In big gatherings and small, in e-mails and one-on-one conversations, conservative opinion leaders fear a Democratic president, especially Sen. Barack Obama, will use the presidential power to appoint federal judges who will remove references to God and religious symbols from public places.

They predict the incoming president likely will fill more vacancies on the federal bench over the next four years than at any time in recent memory, giving a Democratic administration the power to shape the courts to reflect a liberal worldview.

The American Civil Liberties Union "has been on a national rampage to remove God from every public place: the Pledge of Allegiance, the Ten Commandments, plaques in courthouses, the Boys Scouts when they meet on public property," said Phyllis Schlafly, head of the Eagle Forum, a pro-family group that held a private meeting for conservatives yesterday in a Washington hotel.

"These subjects should get out on the table so people understand what's going on in the courts," she said.

Peter J. Ferrara, general counsel to the conservative legal rights group American Civil Rights Union, said, "McCain said he'd appoint people like [Supreme Court Chief Justice John] Roberts and [Justice Samuel] Alito. Obama is saying he'd name people like [Justices Ruth Bader] Ginsberg and [David] Souter."

Conservatives consider the latter pair to be the two most consistently liberal Supreme Court justices.

"Obama is swimming in a sea of left-wing extremism with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright [Mr. Obama's former pastor] and [violent radical activist and Obama acquaintance] Bill Ayers and the rest of them," said Mr. Ferrara, a former Reagan White House aide.