The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35080 Message #2346453
Posted By: GUEST,Steve Gardham
21-May-08 - 06:42 PM
Thread Name: 'Singing Together' - BBC Song Booklets
Subject: RE: 'Singing Together' 1958 UK
Kate, It's 'Paul's Little Hen' and it's a Norwegian translation. I have a copy somewhere in one of the old school pamphlets, but I've also got the Norwegian original in a Norwegian songbook by Mads Berg called 'Skolens Sangbok'. Unfortunately I don't know where all those funny things that go above the letters are on my computer
Pal sine honer
Here's what I remember
'Paul's little hen ran away from the farmyard, over the ....... and away from the farm. Paul made a leap but could not catch her, now I shall never go there again Cluck cluck cluck cried the poor little creature, cluck cluck cluck as she cried in vain. If you wish I will have a good look for the translation tomorrow and post it. Steve