The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111339   Message #2346508
Posted By: Slag
21-May-08 - 07:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Celebrity Worship Syndrome
Subject: RE: BS: Celebrity Worship Syndrome
Interesting, interesting. I am a bit of a "word" freak, you might say, and I find a discussion of celebrity by some who have a bit of celebrity or who have a shoulder and elbow rubbing relationship with celebs, well, interesting. Celebrity, star, above, beyond, HIGHER than ordinary mortals these celebrities. Some, like me resent, not the altitude but the attitude, that sometimes accompanies such status. It is not out of jealousy I hold such a view. The last thing on earth I would want is fame. I value my freedom and privacy far above the firmament. Rather, it is resentment of arrogance and hubris that I tend to decry celebrity.

But then someone threw the word "charisma" into the mix. Now THAT is an interesting word. Papa-G could undoubtedly tell you about the origin and meaning of the term. In essence it means having a gift and more specific, a divine gift. Since the time of Christ it has closely been associated WITH Christ as He was the Anointed One. He was THE gift from God and yet today that gift is so little understood and rejected. And yet we retained the term. I don't think the use of the term "celebrity" applied to mortals is particularly blasphemous. There are, after all, many "stars" in the heavens and, truth be known, there are more stars than there are people. There are more stars than all the people who ever were or who will ever be in one large galaxy alone and there are hundreds of billions of galaxies. So find your place in the firmament. Shine brightly. Let your gifts be known. But do not think more highly of yourself than you ought. I like what Bobert said about some of the celebs that he has known. Aside from the celeb status (which is conferred by doting fans[fanatics]) they were really just ordinary folks.

When we discover our gift(s) this is a good thing as it gives direction and purpose in our lives when we put them to GOOD use.