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Thread #95096   Message #2346518
Posted By: Little Hawk
21-May-08 - 08:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: UFOs in the news
Subject: RE: BS: UFOs in the news
I don't think Paul Hellyer himself became convinced about alien UFOs until sometime after he had serves his stint as Defence Minister, bobad.

In any case, I didn't expect my links to change anyone's opinion here, because I know that changing most people's opinion about anything is a far more daunting prospect than changing a tire... ;-)

But I was countering Bill's completely unfounded assumption that former government and military people do not surface with claims about UFO coverups. They do. Quite a few of them do. It just doesn't get remarked upon or covered in the mainstream media when they do. It gets ignored. They might as well be yelling in an isolation chamber for all the notice they get.

Now, as to Dr Greer, he has a very interesting website called "Disclosure Project" and you will find much more material on that about former government and military people who have testified before Congress about a coverup of UFO information and about their participation in covering it up, etc. Enough reading to occupy you for weeks, I should think. Yes, some of these people have had regrets and they have talked.

It won't convince you of anything, I'm guessing, but it will keep you busy for awhile... ;-)

Nothing will ever convince you of this except an official public admission by the government over the mass media to the entire nation. Therefore they continue to control your mental agenda, whether you will admit it to yourself or not.

Oh, one other thing will convince you....a direct encounter of your own. I hope you have one of those soon and I hope it's a real up-close one too. I'd love to see your faces then, I really would.