The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110900   Message #2346711
Posted By: WalkaboutsVerse
22-May-08 - 05:39 AM
Thread Name: Chords in Folk?
Subject: RE: Chords in Folk?
...And good morning!, all - lovely day in Newcastle. Firstly, I'd like to think I'm more than instant soup and TV, M.Ted; and I'll look out for that Sunflower & Pumpkin Seed bread, Sedayne. It's a bit more than "two weeks" into folk for me Don - it was 4 years ago that I first turned up at a folk club, and a year later I started playing recorders and keyboards, and learning those beloved single-line melodies that English folk music, at least, is mostly, NOT all, about. But, frankly, despite reading ALL (as ever) your criticisms, I'd like to think I came into the game with a pretty handy background, documented somewhere above, or here, if you like. In an anthology of English poetry, you will find "anon." for a poem of unknown authorship; but, within music, you will find "trad."