The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110900   Message #2346731
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
22-May-08 - 07:05 AM
Thread Name: Chords in Folk?
Subject: RE: Chords in Folk?
I can even make bread - I don't need that Warburtons stuff. Just get some flour produced at a local watermill and I'm away...

Interesting link, I'll be sure to look it up if we pass that way during our Norfolk jaunt in June.

Thing with bread is, baking it is fine, but buying it is fine too because, try as I might, I cannot make a satisfactory stotty cake! And as already indicated, when it comes to Fish & Chips, I need a nice shite sliced white with which to make butties & mop up afterwards. And that Morrisons Pumkin & Sunflower Seed bread is rather special, likewise those loaves of Greenhalgh's olive bread they sell here in Booth's. I dare say this is analogous to folk, in that folkies tend to play & sing as much as they consume professional folk product via CDs, records & radio, though I think of it more by way of exotica, whereby if I want to listen to virtuouso Iranian traditional Santour music (like THIS, filmed in the Music Department of Durham University!) I'm hardly likely to try and play it myself, though I will absorb its influence...   

Most of my listening goes on in the bakery these days, or else the kitchen, which is the only place I can listen to music of my own choosing without having to consider the tastes of others. It gets so if I want to listen to something really elaborate, I plan a really long session of cooking - though by really elaborate I'm thinking more of, say, Jordi Savall's masterful Don Quixote album than anything folky as such. That said just yesterday I was playing the vinyl copy of Peter Bellamy's Won't You Go My Way? (Butter & Cheese & all!) that's currently in my keeping, though not, I hasten add, in the kitchen (where, of course, there is no turntable bar the Lazy Susan) but certainly loud enough to hear it from there.