The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95096   Message #2346895
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
22-May-08 - 11:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: UFOs in the news
Subject: RE: BS: UFOs in the news
On the wall of my studio I had one of those old X-files posters of the UFO with the words I Want To Believe, which just about sums up my approach to UFOs. Ever since childhood I've wanted to believe in the ETH (Extra Terrestrial Hypothesis) but the more I've seen, and the more I've read, including everything said & linked to in this thread, the more I become convinced that it's all just so much horse shit. Like ghosts - ever watched Most Haunted or any of the such-like programmes that litter the sky-channels these days? I used to believe in the supernatural until I started watching those...

That said, from where comes our ability to fear such things if they don't exist?