The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95096   Message #2346989
Posted By: Little Hawk
22-May-08 - 01:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: UFOs in the news
Subject: RE: BS: UFOs in the news
I understand your perspective, Bill. But why do you find it so unlikely that people in the CIA and Black Ops and other such intelligence agencies might want, since the late 40's, to have kept the lid on their information about extraterrestrials?

They could certainly have had strong motivations to do that, don't you think? And they have had the means to, because they have the authority to decide what's classifiable and what isn't. They have the authority to show up at a crash scene, for example, show their I.D. and command any police, civilian or military people who are there to do whatever they want them to do.

They have the authority to take all recovered physical evidence to a sealed facility at some base and keep it there, investigate it, and disclose nothing to the public or to other levels of government.

And I believe they have done so, consistently.

Why do you find it so unbelievable that this could have happened? There have been quite a few witnesses to testify that it has happened, after all, but you don't seem to give those people any credibility. Why? I suggest because they aren't singing the tune that you most would like to hear.

You can suggest the same thing about me. Fine. ;-) We both have a tune we like to hear. The thing is, either one of us could be right...or wrong. We do not know, Bill. I admit I do not know. Such an admission is a good place to start when considering possibilities.

Ebbie - I don't know what happened on 911. I am simply saying that it is 100% possible to control and fly airliners by remote computer control and execute any known flight maneuver they are capable of by that fashion, very has been done many times already in various tests of those systems (I've seen video of some)...and it can be done with ease. The technology is proven. It could have been done on 911. All available evidence from flight schools where the hijackers took flying lessons suggests that the alleged 19 Muslim hijackers who may or may not have been on those planes were simply not individuals with anything even near the flying ability to handle those aircraft as effectively as they were handled, particularly in the case of the Pentagon hit. Therefore, I am considering the other possibilities. In so doing I am, for many people, committing outright heresy...because I am challenging a popularly held viewpoint supported by mass media and government. That draws strong reactions from people. Well, I can live with that.