The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110900   Message #2347048
Posted By: Def Shepard
22-May-08 - 02:52 PM
Thread Name: Chords in Folk?
Subject: RE: Chords in Folk?
Indeed..addressed to someone with 4 tech. certificates and a major in anthropology, with distinctions.
Funny you should say that Walkaboutsverse, I was thinking, only the the other day about how some of the brightest, most aware people, I have ever met have never spent a day inside a college or university, conversely some of the stupidest people I've ever met have degrees and certificates coming out of their ears. (there are exceptions of course) Nothing quite matches actual experience out there on the road.Gigging is what I'm talking about, night after night on the grind. Eliza Carthy and her parent can tell you all about that, indeed many Mudcatters can probably tell you tales of the road, that would make your hair curl, not that you'd listen, hiding there behind your 4 tech. certificates and a major in anthropology, with distinctions. Try gigging for 10 or 12 years then some back and tell us ALL about it, until then,
Better to be silent and appear to be a complete fool, than to open one's mouth and have it confirmed