The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95096   Message #2347074
Posted By: Bill D
22-May-08 - 03:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: UFOs in the news
Subject: RE: BS: UFOs in the news
"But why do you find it so unlikely that people in the CIA and Black Ops and other such intelligence agencies might want, since the late 40's, to have kept the lid on their information about extraterrestrials?"

One...more...time. I Do NOT necessarily find that unlikely...given the mentality of some of those guys, I can see that they might do that, even IF it were unnecessary or counter-productive. I can see why those oil companies & others with vested financial interests 'might' hide data until it was to their advantage not to! That is not the issue!!!!!!
   In order for those suppositions to be relevant, there must BE significant evidence for them to hide! THAT is what we are all curious to know. You frame your entire debate as if there were no doubt, and that is where I balk. **This** is the crux of MY position...just because I can't trust certain people, it does not follow that they are necessarily guilty of doing what you suspect! Nor does it prove that they had the opportunity! You can have your suspicions, but you can't base a case on two hypotheticals supporting each other. You see where I am? *IF*, tomorrow, a saucer lands at Bush's front door, and offers interviews to the press, all I have to say is, ", that's better! Lets talk to 'em and examine 'em!"

If, after 100 years, no one has yet caught one, gotten clear pics, or found those secret storage lockers with bodies and strange pieces of metal, then YOUR successors will still be making claims, and mine will still be saying "I'm waiting".

You understand....I'd LOVE to find you were right. But so far, I'm not 'wrong', because I have made no claims one way or the other. All I have done is wait...and while waiting, read and watch a bunch of your purported proof.....with mixed results. (Dr. Greer is pretty impressive!)