The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110900   Message #2347077
Posted By: TheSnail
22-May-08 - 03:30 PM
Thread Name: Chords in Folk?
Subject: RE: Chords in Folk?

Snail, I'm not saying that it wasn't traditional, my definition only applies to WAV's argument that songs with a known author can't be trad. How do we, those of us on this forum, in 2008, know what was trad? Someone collected or noted them down.

OK, I sort of see your point, it's just that the way you said it, you seemed to be saying that being collected defined something as traditional especially when you followed it up by saying that a song that hadn't been collected was "Unknown" when it must obviously have been very well known to some people.

As to the point you are making, I fear you are falling into the trap of "If WAV says it, it must be wrong."

I consider traditional as something collected. By your reasoning, if Joseph Taylor or Walter Pardon sang something by a known author, it isn't traditional?

For an opinion on that, see here.