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Thread #95096   Message #2347091
Posted By: Little Hawk
22-May-08 - 03:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: UFOs in the news
Subject: RE: BS: UFOs in the news
When did I ever say I have the kind of proof you desire, Bill? All I have ever said is that I had a couple of sightings.

How would I get that proof? If I did get it, who would believe me? No one would, except those already in the field who are positive toward such a belief. Others would discount or explain away anything I had. If it really WAS proof, it wouldn't be in my hands for my opinion...some official people would come and take it away and I would never see it again. That's what I expect would happen. If I ever acquire some major proof, I will find out... ;-) I hope not to be in that position, frankly, because I like being left alone by people.

"If, after 100 years, no one has yet caught one (THEY HAVE CAUGHT SOME, Bill), gotten clear pics (THEY HAVE GOTTEN CLEAR PICS, Bill), or found those secret storage lockers with bodies and strange pieces of metal (They HAVE done that too, Bill, but you weren't there to see it and it didn't get reported on the 6 O'Clock News to the nation)........."

Bill, he who controls the flow of public information controls the evidence. Period. Evidence that is not publicly seen or admitted to cannot be subjected to public scrutiny, can it?

I find the claims of a great many actual eyewitnesses (myself among them) to be far more persuasive than your doubts, Bill. ;-) (Not that I don't understand your doubts. I do. I doubted similarly until my first sighting.) I think most really serious UFO proponents are people who have either had a sighting themselves or who have been involved in various investigative activities after one had occurred (and this is where many of the military and police witnesses come in who have come forward with their own stories).


Donuel - I've been far too busy in my life with other stuff (like just surviving) to be engaged in active UFO fieldwork. Where would I find the time and money for that? The main reason I'm interested in them is simply because I had those sightings back in the late 60's and that got me very interested. One of the ships I saw also had that ability to change its direction of flight instantly, at any angle, at tremendous speeds...and to decelerate to a stop instantly from a tremendous speed with no noise, no sonic boom, no exhaust, no visible disturbance of anthing on it or around it. No vehicle we can manufacture can do that as far as I know. What I saw was simply extraordinary, and I don't find any other explanation plausible, really, than that it was not "one of ours".

If it was "one of ours" then the technological stuff our people are covering up is just about as astounding as it would be to meet some interplanetary visitors.