The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109153   Message #2347218
Posted By: Ruth Archer
22-May-08 - 06:18 PM
Thread Name: Nic Jones - Analysis of Little Musgrave
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - Analysis of Little Musgrave
"Several contributors to this thread have referred to episodes within this ballad as though they belong to this ballad alone. The majority of the older ballads of the 16th/17th centuries are riddled with commonplaces,"

I remember my daughter, who is now a 14 year old Baby Goth, nicking one of my Christy Moore cassettes when she was about 6 years old. I used to hear the strains of Little Musgrave emanating from her bedroom, and singing the song became her party piece (though she'd never admit it now).

I remember, some years later, when she'd heard a number of other English songs, she asked me, "What is it with the cheek and chin? It's ALWAYS cheek and chin."

Welcome, my love, to the Floating Verse.

*I'd like to think that those early experiences with tragic/morbid traditional songs have led her, in a somewhat unexpected way, to her current Gothy sensibilities...