The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16060   Message #234724
Posted By: mactheturk
27-May-00 - 08:34 AM
Thread Name: The funniest song you have ever heard!
Subject: Lyr Add: MOTHER-IN-LAW SONG
Martin Mull is known as a comedian but he's also a good guitar player and a very funny singer-songwriter. Here's a sample of his "Mother-in-Law Song" from his album "Sex and Violins.”

I look at your mother and I can see in a minute that there's nothin' in it for me.
She's got an image that spits and you’re her spittin' image Cheri....

I think of your mother and I can't understand it,
It’s not how we planned it you see,
In a year you will turn into her, 'stead of "turn on" to me.

I had a father so wise he said, "open your eyes,
Son don't you court don't you wed."
He said "if you do in a week maybe two
You’ll be right back in court over who owns the bed,"

So back to your mother, and all the men that she used,
I'm so confused, what to do.
I can't seem to grasp how such a venomous asp
Had a sweet little viper like you.

You want to be like her I tell you, don't bother.
I'd much rather see you turn into your father.
One is enough, yeah the world don't need two.
Tell her "go screw herself and be you.

Try this one next mother's day!


HTML line breaks added --JoeClone, 1-Dec-01.