The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23200 Message #2347516
Posted By: GUEST,¢¾ RezzaBo ¢¾
23-May-08 - 07:19 AM
Thread Name: Jacomo finane? What does that mean?-Iko Iko
Subject: RE: Jacomo finane? What does that mean?
Ok, this is just way too confusing. I've looked up lyrics to the song but can't get any translations so far I know it could mean: "Help I've fallen and can't get up", "Get out of my way" A man's name, or " Jack is dead" Yeh, that's useful! And I can't even determin which one fits best because I have no idea what "Iko, Iko Unday" Means! Plus it's by heaps of people: Aaron carter, Cyndi Lauper, and some other early version and apparently it's a clapping rhyme! This is not very useful information! The reason nobody can translated into the direct meaning is everybody has different opinions on what language it's in.