The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110900   Message #2347740
Posted By: Def Shepard
23-May-08 - 01:24 PM
Thread Name: Chords in Folk?
Subject: RE: Chords in Folk?
Oh, I am extremely secure in myself, boy, you, on the other hand seem to have this need to constantly remind people of your qualifications, your alleged accomplishments etc etc. You annoy me to no end, you are egotistical, you think yourself better and more qualified than anyone else here (which I assure you, you are not) As Ruth Archer has stated, there are those here with more than you can ever hope to have or hope to be and yet, they do not feel the need to brag about it. I would hazard a guess that your need to brag is itself rooted in insecurity, and you feel the need to pass what is in you off onto someone else. There is nothing cheap about what I say to you, I am, in fact, investing more than I think you're worth in what I do say. You'll never learn because you think you know it all already and because of that, and once more Ruth Archer has the right of it, you are plain and simply a fool, and bore.
