The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110900   Message #2347743
Posted By: Don Firth
23-May-08 - 01:31 PM
Thread Name: Chords in Folk?
Subject: RE: Chords in Folk?
"To Don Firth: so what do you call the chants, drums and flauting of Amerindians?... 'traditional American music'?"

First of all, Native American music is not my field of study, so I would leave the terminology to those whose field it is. Unless informed otherwise by someone qualified to speak on the subject, I would probably refer to it as "traditional Native American music."

So what's your point in asking that question?

Don Firth

P. S. Not to put too fine a point on it, I try not to pontificate on subjects I know little about. I listen to those who do know.