The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110733   Message #2347982
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
24-May-08 - 01:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: De-cluttering - part two
Subject: RE: BS: De-cluttering - part two
The living room looks pretty good! The couch is clear of laundry and I threw the woven shawl that was under all of it in the washer. I've used it on the seat to keep down the cat hair and crumbs if the kids eat in there.

Earlier in the garage I spotted some antique trunks, mentioned above, but on top of them was a balsa wood and cardboard doll house that has to be 50 years old. It was a hand-me-down to me from the neighbors. I know the dolls and furniture are somewhere here and I'll dig them out now that I've removed the big trash bag I had encapsulated it in. It's on display on a pretty library table in the living room. Out in the garage I had it sitting on the solid base of a framed map of the world. The map used to hang in my bedroom (mid-1960s and on). Mom got the old wood and gesso frame at the Goodwill and put in the print so I'd have something on the wall. It is chipped, but gesso can be repaired. And for years, between the frame and the house, was a numbered print from my Dad's house. Geez. The stuff you find when you start clearing up! I suspect I slipped that in there when everything was in storage but before it was moved down here. For years this treasure was hidden away.