The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111301   Message #2348055
Posted By: GUEST
24-May-08 - 07:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: Palestinian 'facts'
Subject: RE: BS: Palestinian 'facts'
"Out of curiosity, Arnie, do you consider the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem to be part of Israel?"
Gaza is not part as Israel and is ruled by Jihadist militant forces bent on Israel's destruction as it's political platform- not exactly the peace Palestinians can negotiate with any time soon. They seem to still think that indiscriminate rockets and suicide killing will bring Israel to their knees. This kind of policy is very dangerous for all the decent Palestinian civilians who want a real life ( not to mention the victims of these tactics on the Israeli side - but I noticed you didn't mention those Albert) The other areas are up for negotiations - so we'll see.
"It is one of the most violent societies in the world" - Tell me what civilized countries allow militant armed factions to exist and roam freely reaking havoc on their neighbors? Israelis live in fear - yes because of being surrounded by those bent on it's destruction, not because of Zionist thugs- give me a break. Albert - you could get easily get a job in Iran's propaganda dept against the Zionist Entity. There are Jews who aren't happy with Israeli policies - but don't go on as if it were a worldwide movement or something. I think you'll find most Jews are supportive of the Israeli government and the Israeli State and wish it to negotiate peace in good faith. Israel is a civilized democracy - you make it sound like a fascist regime with thugs at every corner.