The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111301   Message #2348670
Posted By: GUEST,Peace-bringer
25-May-08 - 06:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Palestinian 'facts'
Subject: RE: BS: Palestinian 'facts'
From Carol C, to me - "Also, you appear to think that I am the only person posting to this thread. Are you trying to silence people who post things you don't agree with?"

I do not seek to silence anyone, merely to get to them to re-consider. I also do not seek to twist or spin the words of others, or to paint them in an untrue light. I addressed part of my post to you, Carol, as, imo, you are the one dominating this thread, and saying things which are untrue about other posters. That is wrong.

As I stated above, perhaps signing up to one of the Peace Organisations would be a better thing to. You obviously have a great deal of knowledge and passion, as do others. Do not waste or abuse that passion, in making false accusations.