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Thread #111301   Message #2348685
Posted By: GUEST,Peace-bringer
25-May-08 - 07:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Palestinian 'facts'
Subject: RE: BS: Palestinian 'facts'
Carol C, to me - "Please show me which accusations made by me are false."

Of course, and I have taken the liberty of putting them into 'bold'. I always think, that if you are saying that someone has 'said' something, then it is always best to quote those very words, from the poster concerned, so that all may see the words you are talking about. Perhaps it would be a good idea if you did this in future, Carol. That way, no-one can be misled, or falsely accused.

Below is the post from John, in italics, with your reply to him directly underneath:

"CarolC, you are a liar and a libeler! I have never called anyone a 'Jew hater' in the course of these discussions. And while I speak only for myself, I don't believe Peace has either.

Peace has done so numerous times right here in this thread, as well as other threads. Read the thread for yourself. I took your comments about race baiting to be an endorsement of his position in this regard. I apologize if you do not endorse those kinds of comments coming from him. "

In your post to 'peace' below, you inferred those words, without proof.

"I don't see any reason to allow other people to define my side of the argument. I'll define it myself. You, for instance, try to always frame it in terms of those who support human rights for Palestinians as being Israel haters and Jew haters/bashers. I can certainly understand why you would need to do that, though, since you're trying to defend the indefensible, and it's the best you've got. Still, most intelligent people can see right through that sort of thing."

Yet once more, in your post to John, below, you say:

"By the way, if pointing out the racism inherent in Peace's and John on the Sunset Coast's positions is "race baiting", then so is calling people "Jew haters". ............It's you and Peace who are the racists. Not the people who are working to help the Palestinians get their human rights and their freedom. "

They did not call you that, Carol. I have looked through every single post above, and nowhere have these posters used the words you have claimed they have, to you, or to anyone else. They have, however, disagreed with you. If I have overlooked the post(s) you are talking about, then perhaps you could put them in for me.

From you - "Not the people who are working to help the Palestinians get their human rights and their freedom. "

Surely both sides have the right to their human rights and their freedom? Both sides are screaming in pain, for various reasons. The Palestinian mother cries the same tears as the Israeli mother.

May I suggest you read the post below again, paying paritcular attention to the part I have 'bolded', for those words, to me, contain more wisdom and humanitarianism that any other words on this thread.

Taken from - BS: Palestinian 'facts'
From: Peace
Date: 18 May 08 - 03:11 PM

"..................So while you folks get all teary-eyed about displaced people, save some of those tears for the other displaced people. And until such time as you demonstrate in your posts that what you seek is a solution for humans, not just Palestinian humans, I will contine to read your posts with disdain, and there will be no common ground here, either....I respect that you have views. Respect that they are not the only views.