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Thread #111301   Message #2348751
Posted By: CarolC
25-May-08 - 09:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Palestinian 'facts'
Subject: RE: BS: Palestinian 'facts'
Guest, Peace-bringer, how are you able to post under multiple user names and not have your posts get deleted?

As I stated above, perhaps signing up to one of the Peace Organisations would be a better thing to. You obviously have a great deal of knowledge and passion, as do others. Do not waste or abuse that passion, in making false accusations.

As far as I am concerned, I have not made any false accusations. Your accusation, however, I do consider false.

They did not call you that, Carol. I have looked through every single post above, and nowhere have these posters used the words you have claimed they have, to you, or to anyone else. They have, however, disagreed with you. If I have overlooked the post(s) you are talking about, then perhaps you could put them in for me.

The terminology isn't always exactly the same, but the meaning is...

Subject: RE: BS: Palestinian 'facts'
From: Peace - PM
Date: 24 May 08 - 04:36 PM

These anti-Israel folks do NOT care about humans. Only those they think are human. And from their posts, it's obvious they think Jews are not worthy of the same consideration they feel the Palestinians should have. Will they speak against Hezbollah or Hamas? NO! For to do so would not be in their game plan because they would then have to admit that the people representing the Palestinian people are fu#king murderers. If I knew how to do the spit word in writing, it would go here.

Subject: RE: BS: Israel's Next War.
From: Peace - PM
Date: 11 May 08 - 07:07 PM

I'd suggest that the thread be completely abandoned by people who don't hate Israel or Jews. Then the people who do will be able to have reasoned discourse amongst themselves

(This last one implies that anyone who continues to discuss the subject hates Israel and Jews.)

In response to this from me...

"But the fact is, those people went on to become the government of Israel. So should we hold all Israelis responsible for their terrorist government? No, we shouldn't. That would be racist. As is holding all of the Palestinians in Gaza responsible for Hamas."

He posted this...

YOUR racism is showing, lady. Make it parallel."

There were also several on a thread that got deleted and on other threads, but I don't think Joe wants me going back and quoting all of them here in this thread.

I've already said why I am focusing on what Israel is doing and not on what Hamas and Hezbollah are doing. You can see it for yourself right here in this thread. My reason is because focusing on Hamas and Hezbolla won't solve the problem. Their existence is a response to the problem. We can see what the problem is when people say (as has been said in this thread by at least one poster) that they support an independent state for the Palestinians, but when asked if they think Israel should withdraw to the pre-1967 borders, there is no answer. Such people say they support a Palestinian state, but they don't. They are only paying lip service to a Palestinian state. What such people really want is for Israel to continue exactly as it's doing, but they want to be able to claim the moral high ground by saying they "support" an independent state for the Palestinians.

Let me ask you this "Peace-bringer"... do you support the idea of Israel withdrawing to the pre-1967 lines?

It's not peace that you are bringing, "Peace-bringer". It is suppression of the truth. A great libel and a great injustice has been committed against the Palestinians. Until this is addressed and corrected, there won't be any peace in the Middle East. This is why in South Africa, they have a "Truth and Reconciliation" policy. Reconciliation isn't possible as long as the truth is being suppressed.

With regard to this from Peace that you quoted...

And until such time as you demonstrate in your posts that what you seek is a solution for humans, not just Palestinian human

The solution for the Palestinian humans is also the solution for everyone else. Until this problem is addressed, none of the other problems will be solved. This one is the linchpin. The problem is Israel's expansionist policies. These policies are creating instability and wars and violence all throughout the Middle East. This is the problem that needs to be corrected. Once that happens, everything else falls into place.

As I stated above, perhaps signing up to one of the Peace Organisations would be a better thing to.

Not necessarily. There are many ways people can make a difference. Helping to bring the truth to the surface is as valid a way to help as any other. Without people doing this, the problem will never be solved, because the kinds of lies that have been and are being told about the Palestinians and Israel's neighbors spread hatred, and they also are being used to justify Israel continuing to do whatever it wants to whomever it wants.