The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111301   Message #2348816
Posted By: CarolC
25-May-08 - 11:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Palestinian 'facts'
Subject: RE: BS: Palestinian 'facts'
Why do not other Arab states offer citizenship to Palestinians who have lived within their borders for three generations?

Because it is illegal under international law and the UN charter for Israel to not allow these people to return to their homes.

Why disrupt every effort to find a peacefull solution?

All of the Arab countries in the region have said that they will make peace with Israel if Israel will withdraw to the pre-1967 borders. Since the pre-1967 borders are the only legal ones under international law and the UN charter, their position is the reasonable (and legal) one. So in this case, it is Israel that is disrupting every effort to find a peaceful solution.

Keeping the Palestinians confined to tiny bantustans, unable to move from village to village, or to access their orchards or other places where they make their livelihood, or to visit their family in other villages, or to use their own water resources does not produce peace. Sorry, but I know that if someone was doing that to you or your loved ones, you wouldn't stand for it. Why should they?

Why does Israel not withdraw from all those damn settlements as they promised?...

The answer my friend, is blown in the wind!

The answer is because they are in the process of ethnically cleansing all of the Palestinians from occupied Palestine. The reason they need to do this is to preserve their "demographic". If they annex the West Bank and East Jerusalem while there is still a Palestinian majority in those areas, they will lose the Jewish majority in Israel. So they have to coerce the Palestinians into leaving so that they can annex the Palestinians' areas and make them a part of Israel without upsetting their demographic.