The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111301   Message #2348989
Posted By: CarolC
25-May-08 - 05:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Palestinian 'facts'
Subject: RE: BS: Palestinian 'facts'
To say that the 1967 six day was fought for the defence of Israeli aggression is the typical pathetic anti-Israeli view of real historical events.

Heh. Here we go with the anti-Israel stuff again.   This is an accusation that has no merit. It is used as a smear tactic in the absence of a legitimate argument.

Israel knew it could win militarily over Egypt only if could could take out a lot of their air force and tanks first in the impending inevitable conflict- otherwise they could just wait for the surrounding storm coming at their small state from all sides leading to their complete doom. Get over it and move on.

Egypt didn't want war with Israel. That's why the government of Egypt had scheduled to meet with the US government for talks and negotiations. Israel stepped up the timetable for its attack so that these talks could not take place. It did so because it wanted war. Syria did not want war, either. And Jordan did not want war. Israel did everything it possibly could, including bombing villages in Jordan and violating the DMZ between Israel and Syria in order to provoke a response from these countries to use as a pretext for war. Watch the video that I posted with the eyewitness account from the UN observer. They all knew that they were not in a position to win a war with Israel. Only Israel wanted war. And they knew they could win it.