The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111301   Message #2349185
Posted By: Teribus
26-May-08 - 02:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Palestinian 'facts'
Subject: RE: BS: Palestinian 'facts'
"Although there have been some kind of negotiations between Syria and Israel since then I think they will not amount to much as Syria wants the Golan Heights back and Israel wont give it up.So a further stand off there." - Albert

Oh I don't think the picture is as bleak as you would like to paint it Albert. The Israelis and Syrians have been in negotiations before and came quite close to a settlement that suited both sides. The stumbling block was not return of the Golan which Israel under agreed terms would be only too pleased to return to Syria. The problem the last time was water.

"What is alarming in all this is the possibility of an American attack on Iran which will be Bush's parting gift to the world before he leaves office in November" - Albert

Of course Albert I suppose all things are "possible" but your second doom-and-gloom prediction is hardly "probable" is it. What are you basing this opinion of yours on? I mean, let's see, there remains just over seven months of GWB's Presidency, he does not control the House of Representatives or the Senate, so how on earth is he going to get Congressional approval for a war with Iran?

"...while Hillery Clinton said recently she had no problem with a US attack on Iran." - Albert

OK Albert, tell us in Hillary Clinton's own words the circumstances under which she would have no problem with a US attack on Iran - Or in doing that does that spoil your storyline a bit too much. If you or anyone else reading this thread are unaware of the facts, the circumstances that would call for a US attack on Iran is IF Iran first attacked Israel ("I want the Iranians to know that if I'm the president, we will attack Iran if it attacks Israel" - HRC). Should that (Iranian attack on Israel) happen Albert you could quite accurately have said, "ANY person holding the Office of President of the United States of America, Barak Obama included, would have no problem with a US attack on Iran", because Albert the US is obligated by Treaty to come to the aid of Israel if Israel is attacked.

"Meanwhile,Israel,the one nuclear state in the Middle East continues to attack its neighbours in Lebanon ,Gaza and Syria and is one of the most powerful military force in the world thanks to American military,economic,technological and financial aid." - Albert

- Lebanon Albert? Israel is not attacking anyone in Lebanon. It briefly responded to a border incursion and raid by members of Hezbollah in 2006 in which two Israeli soldiers were kidnapped and a number of others died. Israel responded to some 15,000 rocket attacks based from South Lebanon. Had there been no raid, no kidnapping and no rocket attacks there would have been no Israeli action against Hezbollah.

- Gaza Albert? You mean the place from which rocket attacks are indiscriminately launched against Israeli civilians almost every day?

- Syria Albert? Oh the raid on the secret military facility parked way up there by the Turkish border. The raid that the Syrians and the North Koreans have been extremely quiet about. I must admit, judging by the satellite photographs, the "clean-up" operation mounted by the Syrians at the site in the aftermath of that raid was truly impressive. Now why would that be Albert?