The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111301   Message #2349248
Posted By: GUEST,David
26-May-08 - 06:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Palestinian 'facts'
Subject: RE: BS: Palestinian 'facts'
Re Hillary Clinton and Iran
Clinton threatened to obliterate Iran if Iran attacked Israel with nuclear weapons.
However ,Iran does not have nuclear weapons and has never attacked another country.
This is in contrast to nuclear armed Israel which has spent some 60 years attacking its neighbours in the Middle East with everything from cluster bombs to high explosives ,phospherous to gunships.
It should also be said that there is an American nuclear fleet stationed just a few miles of the coast of Iran which has in the past shot down an Iranian civilian passenger plane . And it was America which encouraged Iraq to attack Iran back in the early 1980s . That war cost a million casualties so Iran is surely entitled to be alarmed when an American presidential hopeful starts to make nuclear threats .