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Thread #111301   Message #2349459
Posted By: Teribus
26-May-08 - 02:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Palestinian 'facts'
Subject: RE: BS: Palestinian 'facts'
"Former US president Jimmy Carter has branded the Israeli blockade of Gaza as "One of the greatest human rights crimes existing on earth right now".

Well I see that the man's perspective of things remains as faulty as ever. Without any shadow of a doubt the greatest incompetent to hold the Office of the President of the United States of America. Nice man he may be, a leader he most definitely was not, in fact the only reason I believe anyone would follow this man, would be out of some misplaced feeling of curiosity.

"Israeli blockade of Gaza - Greatest human rights crimes existing on earth right now"

OK "Peanut" how's about these? where do they rate on your radar:

- Darfur: 400,000 killed; 2,500,000 displaced. Here is what "Peanut" Carter had to say about it - The United States is exaggerating when it described the Darfur conflict as "genocide," former US president Jimmy Carter has said, warning that the use of the term was legally inaccurate and "unhelpful". This (Darfur) by the bye was what that other useless, ineffectual chatterer Kofi Annan described as, "The gravest humanitarian crisis facing the world today", I think that was back in 2003 - Still haven't managed to do anything about it.

- Tibet: Back in 1980, Jimmy Carter led the boycott of the Moscow Olympics in protest against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. But when asked if he supported a boycott over Chinese aggression in Tibet, he replied:

"That was a totally different experience in 1980, when the Soviet Union had brutally invaded and killed thousands and thousands of people," he said, rejecting the idea of boycotting the Beijing games to protest China's crackdown in Tibet.

He did not address whether just the opening ceremonies should be boycotted. China invaded Tibet on March 10, 1959. According to Tibetan sources, since then 87,000 people have been died. China has carried out a policy to destroy Tibetan culture through destroying Tibetan cultural/religious centers, transplanting millions of ethnic Chinese there, brutally repressing opposition, and forcing into exile the Tibetan leader.

- Burma: According to Carter - "Western nations have very little influence, if any, in Myanmar. The two major countries that do have an influence are India and China. And China is philosophically and politically averse to interfering in the internal affairs of any other country - because they don't want anybody to interfere in their internal affairs.

So I don't think that's a possibility. My hope is that eventually, the sooner the better, the military regime in Myanmar will see the advantage to themselves to open up the society to more freedom."

Now to anyone with any sense of perspective Darfur, Tibet, Burma and Zimbabwe rank way ahead of Gaza in terms of humanitarian concerns for the international community. So why did "Peanut" head for the Middle-East at the particular time that he did. Basically to muddy the water and ruin whatever chances of advancing the situation being explored by the current US Administration. It is not the first time that he has done this, his inept "meddling" in North Korea during the Clinton Administration was at odds with what Clinton actually warranted him to do; the US got suckered into an aid programme while North Korea developed its nuclear weapon. Iran is now the problem it is because of Carter's incompetence.