The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111442   Message #2350239
Posted By: Anne Lister
27-May-08 - 01:14 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Ghosts
Subject: RE: Folklore: Ghosts
My experience is that when people offer "normal" explanations for phenomena the explanations often simply don't fit the situation, which is why they're rejected. To take my example story - What can explain the footsteps across a space which is inaccessible, followed by the playing of a non-existent piano? Heard by a group of people, none of whom had any reason to imagine it?
The only reason I accept the existence of ghosts (and of other "para" normal events) is that I've either experienced something odd myself or that I've heard a story that convinces me. I'd be very happy to hear a good explanation for the various events I've experienced but so far haven't, despite living with someone who doesn't want to accept the existence of ghosts. And it's an obvious truth that only people who have experienced something odd are convinced by what has happened to them - I've yet to hear of a sceptic seeing something odd and successfully explaining it away for themselves. I have, however, met several people who have said they didn't believe in ghosts until they had their own experience.

On the other hand, I have absolutely no wish to convert anyone to my own point of view (unlike the sceptics). If you haven't had anything odd happen to you, just be thankful that your life has been uneventful! (I did meet someone once at Findhorn who was terrified of what she couldn't explain. At the end of their "Experience Week" she confessed that she had prayed NOT to see any nature spirits or devas, and she was all the more convinced that they existed because they'd answered her prayers and stayed hidden from her!)
