The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110923   Message #2350683
Posted By: Suffet
28-May-08 - 12:14 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Gathering at Eisteddfod-NY
Subject: RE: Mudcat Gathering at Eisteddfod-NY

The place for New York carnivores is a Brazilian barbecue restaurant just a little over a mile from the site of the Eisteddfod. It's called Greenfield, and it's located on Northern Boulevard at 108th Street in Corona -- as in Rosie, the Queen of Corona, made famous in Paul Simon's Me and Julio. Greenfield is a pay-one-price all-you-can-eat establishment. Once you are seated, the waiter gives you a small wooden block, painted green on one side and red on the other. As long as you leave the block on your table with the green side facing up, waiters bring you skewer after skewer of various meats, including beef steak, chunks of pork, sausage, chicken, turkey wrapped in bacon, and so forth. When you have had enough for a while, you turn the block over so the red side faces up. That signals the waiters to bypass your table.

I would say this is not the place for vegetarians, but that's not necessarily true, because Greenfield has the most enormous and varied salad bar I have ever seen.

So if you're going to the Eisteddfod, make a short detour to Greenfield. And if that isn't enough, go the other way instead, and a little less than half a mile from the festival site you will find the Jackson Diner, New York's premier Indian restaurant. It's on 74th Street in Jackson Heights, just about 50 feet north of the subway and elevated railway station at Roosevelt Avenue. Their all-you-can eat buffet is generally only at lunchtime, and it is always both vegetarian and carnivore friendly.

Bottom line: the Jackson Heights - Corona area is no place for dieters.

--- Steve