The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2351645
Posted By: GUEST
29-May-08 - 12:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Have any of you googled 'obama homosexual' and read about the Sinclair/Young stuff? A crack-smoking homosexual headed for the white house. man o man. On the other hand there's a guy who was in the hands of the soviet psychologists for 7 years. 7 years of no telling what being done to him.

But if McCain gets the nomination, Obama will win. Obama's never faced competition in an election, because of scandals. His state-level election, the opponent was scandalized and lost. His primary in the US senate race, the opponent was scandalized and lost. His opponent in the general election, scandalized and lost. Obama's got where he is with the help of the FBI's mud mining. And you don't think 7 years of soviet brain manipulation of McCain will result in a little mud? Obama is the handpicked candidate of the intelligence community, and you know those are the Bushmen. CIA/Skull and Bones and all that stuff. Obama will continue the Skull and Bones economics and in a year people will be morphing his big-eared assface into GWBush's with photoshop. No difference between the two politically and not much in looks.

Obama was selected for fast-tracking 25 years ago by the Brezinski. Obama is backed by Rockefeller money. Obama/Gore want a 10 million person 'green army' to push you around. Obama is bought and paid for by the same special interests that control the Bushes and the Clintons.

So, a drooling soviet mind slave, or a racist crack-smoking homosexual? The lesser of two weevils.