The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111039   Message #2352675
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
30-May-08 - 12:06 AM
Thread Name: Obit: Dick Rodgers, FSGW Institution (May 2008)
Subject: RE: Obit: Dick Rodgers, FSGW Institution (May 2008)
Sad news indeed. Dick was one of those people who, as the relative newcomer to the Getaway that I am, just stood out. Tall, lanky, angular, and with a habit of peering myopically at you that enhanced the impression of a rather friendly old stork. I enjoyed very much the comical old tunes that I heard him perform, tunes that started out with his audience looking on rather uncomfortably until the song resolved itself into something that was both warm and funny, at which everyone laughed while Dick sang and sawed away at his instrument.
I asked Dick about the hurdy-gurdy, and he was delighted to describe its function to me, pointing out all of the key parts, many of which appeared to be various objects of household hardware, bent, taped, and harnessed to Dick's musical will.
In a world where so many folks are happy to fly under the radar, I had the impression that Dick had no appetite for that sort of anonymity. I'm certainly glad that, even if it was just the last act, I caught part of the show.