The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111615   Message #2352734
Posted By: Les in Chorlton
30-May-08 - 03:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Creating a new Religion? This is the one
Subject: Folklore: Creating a new Religion? This is the one
Sisters, Brothers,

We were sitting on top of Scarfell Pike, England's highest mountain, on the day after the fells had been re-opened after the foot and mouth outbreak. Hundreds and hundreds of people were heading for Scarfell and the day had an amazing atmosphere.

My wife pointed to a man reading a black leather bound book. Look - he's reading the bible! And he was. I had never seen Wainwright's Guide to the Fells in a leather cover before.

It then struck me that we had the potential for new religion:

1. A truly charismatic figure, well a bit anyway.
2. A Gospel - in several unique volumes and in widespread circulation.
3. Thousands and thousands of followers.
4. A sense of purpose and endless pilgrimage routes.
5. A discipline for life with sacrements - Mine's a pint of Black Sheep please.
6. Special clothes for the converted.
7. A genuine Awe and Wonder at the natural world.
8. Some sense of persecution - those fools in red socks etc.
9. A growing collection of sacred songs - I'm a Rambler, I'm a Rambler
10. Our Leader is now dead - that always helps.

OK 10 is enough - you are only allowed 10.

But Wainwright spent a lot of time wondering alone in the wilderness and I challenge any one not to find much "Truth and Inspiration" not forgetting "Awe and Wonder" in his "Guide to the Fells".

And the purpose of this religion?
Only those that read the Good Book - "Wainwright's Guide to the Fells" will find purpose and truth!

If you doubt that this is Folklore I will point out that Mike Harding, Singer and Tunist, Songwriter, Comic, Promoter of all thinks Folk, Ex - President of the Ramblers Association, chose for his book on Desert Island Disks none other than ..........................

............ "Wainwright's Guide to the Fells"

Before the inevitable splits and schisms begin I should mention that this will be an Atheistic Religion and it's second great book will be "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins

May your boots comfort your feet,
May your Goretex never leak
Although the path be long and winding
Awe and wonder you'll be finding

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