The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111615   Message #2352759
Posted By: Les in Chorlton
30-May-08 - 04:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Creating a new Religion? This is the one
Subject: RE: Folklore: Creating a new Religion? This is the

as I am suer you know, although the good books take us to Cumbria, other Gospels take us to the Howgill Fells and the Pennine Way and so I think it is quiet safe to assume the truth path can be followed where ever the spirit (?) takes us.


I thought this might chime with your good selves. Last time we visited Blencathra we met Mrs Bonnington who was on the way down although she didn't recognise us. I did try to launch this New Truth on the Wainwright website some time ago but I don't think people saw it as anything new.


no R, how true just a test for true believers, ok it was early this morning and I cannot spell. How well the Hurdy-Gurdy fits. It's almost as if it was invented for AW is it not?

Well Sisters and Brothers we are on our way. How long to 100 hundred posts?

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