The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111615   Message #2352789
Posted By: Les in Chorlton
30-May-08 - 06:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Creating a new Religion? This is the one
Subject: RE: Folklore: Creating a new Religion? This is the
I think you have identified "The Devil Incarnate" and I speak as one who once trusted him. Well, if Joseph of Arimethea could get to Glastonbury I don't see why the Ark could get to Scafell or as the Good Book Four, The Southern Fells have it "formerly 'The Pikes' or 'The Pikes of Scawfell', 'Scafell Pikes' on Ordnace Survey maps"

In general I was going for a decidedly egalitarian religion but I am prepared to go as far as Mike Harding so to speak.

you are a Maryr! Everything is falling into place. We are the fastest growing religion on the planet. Mathematically speaking this is almost certainly true.

Mr Happy,
that was excellent. I had forgotten how funny that was. I haven't luaghed so much since .............. probably the last time I saw it. So, as well as The Good Books we need other sources of truth and clearly Father Ted is one of the best. When in doubt or just short of something to do followers can go to UTube and be refreshed or possibly buy complete DVD sets?

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