The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111615   Message #2352790
Posted By: Les in Chorlton
30-May-08 - 06:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Creating a new Religion? This is the one
Subject: RE: Folklore: Creating a new Religion? This is the
Scary point Sister,

I think AW wrote somewhere in The Northern Fells - by coming we will destroy what we have come to enjoy.

So, what shall we do? It's a bit like motorists who want all other motorists off the road so that they can drive in peace.

I was all for a daft thread but I cannot resolve this problem. The paths are easy and safe because we tramp them in great numbers but I have to say that much of the time above a 1000 feet or so solitude is generally found though probably not always on Cat Bells.