The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111615   Message #2354514
Posted By: Doc John
01-Jun-08 - 03:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Creating a new Religion? This is the one
Subject: RE: BS: Creating a new Religion? This is the one
A new religion to really qualify must have the following features:
1. Sex is wrong - especially the non-procreative variety - this is the most important aspect above all else.
2. Women are inferior or even down right evil (please don't complain - I'm only reporting)
3. Silly dietary restrictions
4. Silly dress obligations and restrictions - may only apply to clergy however
5. Lots of bizarre cerermonies
6. Magic - but only works if you 'have faith'
7. A book written by a supreme being or, at least 'inspired' by one. Can be full of sex, violence, racism etc - that's OK
8. Give us yer money!!
9 Don't mention Richard Dawkins
10 Pie in the Sky
All religions seem to have most if not all of these features
Doc John