The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111663   Message #2354669
Posted By: Steve Gardham
01-Jun-08 - 06:00 PM
Thread Name: Regional music
Subject: RE: Regional music
I too am intersted in the regionality of folk culture, particularly the songs. The Tyneside area has a very definite style and dialect as has industrial Lancashire, also The Bothy Ballads of NE Scotland spring to mind. However Britain's largest county, Yorkshire, is similar to England itself in that it contains a wide diversity of cultures and dialects. There are large open rural areas that have their own songs, the West Riding industrial areas in the Leeds/Bradford conurbation, the Esk Valley has its own body of songs. Surprisingly Hull has no tradition of sea songs but there are fishing songs along the coast, the west Sheffield area up into the Pennines has the only strong song tradition still continuing due to the close-knit farming communities and the hunt suppers. 88 sample songs of the whole of Yorkshire are available currently on